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National Songs is a research project interested in archiving songs that were produced between the start of the 1952 Egyptian revolution and the 1954 Algerian liberation revolution, up until 1972.


By researching the revolutionary-music industry that was formed as a voice glorifying a political period, or even to immortalize certain people; The two researchers are interested in documenting important features in the manufacture of national music and songs at an important period in the history of the both countries, which shaped the present and political future, and gave shape to systems that still hold control of affairs until now.


Through contemplating the words sung by the singers, we find that they converge around one meaning: tearing up the past, preparing for a bright future, and drawing a new map of the present after decades of colonialism and foreign protection.


The 10 year anniversary of the Egyptian revolution, 1962, is the year of Algeria's independence and the 10 year anniversary of Algeria's independence, 1972, is the eve of Egypt's last war in history. Between every decade and decade there are stories woven between the two countries militarily, politically and artistically, so let us discover them.


Yara Makawi, electronic composer and sound artist, draws her audio work from the influx of urban centers and city infrastructures. She is interested in architecture, history, and literature.


Salah Badis, born in 1994, lives and works in Algeria. He works in writing and translating. He published his story Hazih Al Omour Tahdoth (These Things Happen) in 2019. He is interested in researching literature, geography, and music.

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This project was devised with the support of the Swiss Cultural foundation, Pro Helvetia Cairo.

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